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  • Consumer & Sustainability Perceptions 2024: UK & Northern Europe - HERE
  • Consumer & Sustainability Perceptions 2024: LATAM - HERE
  • Consumer & Sustainability Perceptions 2024: APAC - HERE
  • Beauty in South-East Asia - Malaysia - HERE


  • Introduction and Definitions - HERE
  • Market Figures - HERE
  • Consumer Expectations and Behaviours - HERE
  • Regulations - HERE
  • Brands Innovations in 2022/23 - HERE
  • Brands Case Studies:
    • ArtDeco - Refillable Native Beauty Brand - HERE
    • Pharma-Recharge - a refillable fountain in pharmacies in France - HERE
    • Garancia join forces with Pharma Recharge - HERE
    • L'Occitane - HERE
  • Conclusion & Key Takeaways - HERE


Accessible Beauty:

  • The new priority in inclusivity - HERE

Beauty and Diversity:

  • Beauty & Diversity 2024: Market & Consumer Insights - Part 1 HERE
  • Beauty & Diversity 2024: Market & Consumer Insights - Part 2 HERE


Formulation innovations:

Packaging Innovations - BRANDS Side

Packaging Innovations - SUPPLY Side

Also, look at our previous reports on the same topic of earlier editions:

  • Packaging Innovations - BRANDS (Sept 22) - HERE
  • Packaging Innovations - SUPPLIERS (Sept 22) - HERE



Avoid greenwashing, and follow regulations and guidelines for sustainable marketing claims.

Aimed at beauty professionals who want to follow the changes in terms of green marketing claims, create responsible communication messages about sustainability and their sustainable products or services.

What are green claims and how can they be defined? What is the scope of Environmental, Sustainable or Green claims? What are the building blocks that make up a claim?

1 - Introduction & Definition of sustainable beauty claims

The world of sustainability and marketing claims is full of grey areas. What exactly is a green claim? What can you do to avoid greenwashing, how do you follow the guidelines and regulations and how can you get around setbacks? In this article, you'll learn the basics of green claims: why companies use them, how exactly you can make them and strategies to overcome common challenges.

Intro to the chapter - HERE

2 - Consumers' trends and expectations

Clean beauty and Zero waste claims: content on the sustainable marketing of green products. It explores what consumers can understand from the messages, how they can be communicated with, and how companies can make their claims meaningful to customers. The course will help you understand what consumers want to hear about your green product and shows you how to avoid greenwashing in your efforts to become a true environmentally-friendly beauty brand.

  • Intro - HERE
  • part 1 - Macro Trends - HERE
  • part 2 - New Attitudes and behaviours - HERE
  • part 3 - Sustainable Beauty Trends - HERE

2b - Consumer & Sustainable wording - post clean beauty

Social listening and what consumers make of sustainability. With Dynvibe.

  • Intro - HERE
  • part 1 - Why are we moving towards clean beauty 3.0? - HERE
  • part 2 - What is clean beauty’s new turn? - HERE
  • part 3 - How can brands leverage it? - HERE

3 - Sustainable marketing and brand purpose

How to make talk about sustainability, and how to market your products effectively. It's not enough to become sustainable just because it's the right thing to do. Consumers need to find meaning in your offering, and consistency in your language. Marketing experts develop compelling stories about sustainability, but what are their secrets? Learn from their tactics and techniques, and implement your own messaging. Great for green marketing workshops or online messaging guides for communications teams at your company.

  • part 1 - Brand purpose: connected yet not the same as sustainability. - HERE
  • part 2 - Brand equity: the reciprocal contributions between sustainability claims and brand value. - HERE
  • part 3 - Cause marketing and brand activism: mutually beneficial for a brand and for a cause – if done right. - HERE

4 -Sustainable claims & regulations

What are the external forces affecting your business; the new regulations and limitations on environmental claims? It is designed to provide you with an update on trends and developments that may affect you in the future and what your options are for meeting them. You will learn about laws, regulations and key aspects of "Sustainable Marketing".

  • France AGEC law and green claim guide - HERE
  • UK green claim code - HERE
  • US green guides - HERE

5 - Green claims - our recommendation

Our Green Claims Lexicon




Beauty packaging is a sensorial, emotional business, and we will look at how packaging can keep its premium feel and delight consumers while using more sustainable components. We have interviewed Experts, but also Packaging Manufacturers, Recyclers and Collectors, Materials suppliers, and Brands who’ve already made bold moves. Showing what is practically achievable today, but also the trade-offs you will have to make. The content will cover packaging material categories (recycled and non-recycled) already used or potentially used in the beauty industry (hair-care, make-up, skincare, perfume, etc) for primary packaging, but also secondary packaging, sampling, accessories and gifting. This module will put you in control of your packaging decisions and help you substantiate your sustainable packaging claims.

1 - Intro: Sustainable packaging: a definition

A definition of sustainable beauty packaging with a 360° view. Elevating your vision and thinking beyond just a beautiful pack.

2 - The past revisited, beauty packaging from the beginning

A look at beauty packaging’s 300-year story and evolution. Understanding why we are where we are now and what we can learn from reinventing old methods.

3 - What do beauty consumers really want

Unpicking the value-action gap. Understanding consumer trends is always a tricky business, let alone in a pandemic. But what if we could really understand consumers and the difference between what they say they want or need and what they actually purchase?

Packaging Trends - a consumer view (re-sources report June 2021)

4 - Has plastic got a bad wrap? Taking a life-cycle approach

Packaging 1.0.1. From plastic to glass, to aluminium, a review of each main material’ life-cycle, its environmental impacts and top-line pros and cons.

  • Introduction - HERE
  • Sustainable packaging, Why are we doing this - HERE
  • LCA, a top-down approach - HERE

5 - Living in a material world – making sense of complexity

Recyclable, recycled, bio-based, biodegradable, compostable, plastic free…which materials are best for a sustainable future? A comprehensive guide to all the materials available and the new materials being developed.


  • Materials comparison. Which material for sustainable packaging - HERE
  • PCR - Post Consumer Recycled - HERE
  • Biomaterials - HERE
  • Biodegradability, Compostability - HERE

6 - What’s on the shelf - are current market applications always successful? with the 3R approach.

A review of the current beauty packaging options on the market with sustainable materials and claims. Are they addressing sustainability at their core, or functionality first? Who are the horses to back and what will fall by the wayside?

3 R applied to Beauty Packaging

7- The case of materials: paperboard, glass, aluminium

An overview of sourcing, manufacturing and converting, digging deep into these materials.


  • about PaperBoard - sourcing and transformation - PART 1
  • Converting Pulp into Paperboard - PART 2
  • Making paperboard for beauty products -  PART 3 - HERE


  • All about ALUMINUM - HERE

8 - Is sampling still a good idea to reach new consumers?

Samples, single-use and mono-dose: can these beauties ever care for the planet?

  • Sampling sachets & minis - HERE
  • Thermoformed sampling or monodose - HERE

9 - Recycling – a messy reality

A top-line overview of recycling streams and current recycling capabilities in the world, that will help you understand how to create products for a circular economy. Experts and companies offering new solutions for collection and recycling will give you a real understanding of the current end-of-life of your products.

  • Recycling market - HERE
  • How does cosmetics packaging get sorted for recycling - HERE
  • How do materials get recycled once sorted - HERE
  • Case Study - LOOP from TerraCycle- HERE

10 - Beyond the mechanics, is chemical recycling the future?

Getting down and dirty with recycling and reuse alternatives: from the collection of used items and reuse options to chemical recycling to transform plastics and synthetic waste into virgin plastic. A look at the capabilities and technologies available in the market.

  • How Chemical Recycling Works - HERE

11 - Learning by doing - real-life successes and failures

Case studies and testimonials tell us what they’ve learned along the way and the practical dos and don'ts of sustainable packaging.

  • Interview with BYBI Beauty - HERE
  • Interview with Beauty Kitchen (first Brand to create and release a refill system) - HERE

12 - The retailer’s point of view: how CREDO Beauty defines “clean packaging” and sets standards for the US market.

Retailer-led learnings from a leading green beauty store.

  • An interview with Mia Davis - Sustainability Officer at Credo Beauty - HERE

13 - What is the industry currently innovating on?

A global tour of packaging innovations in primary and secondary packaging. Where might we focus our product development now?

  • Innovations Coming from the BRANDS (sept 22) - HERE
  • Innovations Coming from the SUPPLY side (sept 22) - HERE

14 - Packaging regulations and limitations

Will the use of non-recyclable be banned

  • European regulations on packaging (2022) - HERE
  • AGEC Law (France) - Sorting-Info & Packaging labelling - HERE

15 - Packaging inspiration of tomorrow

Biomimetism and new materials: an allegory of the future of packaging and design. BIOMIMICRY - HERE