Refillable Beauty 2023 - part 4 - Regulations
Photo by Brooke Lark / Unsplash

Refillable Beauty 2023 - part 4 - Regulations

Eva Lagarde


The report has been released in several parts (for a digestible reading)

  • Introduction and Definitions - HERE
  • Market Figures - HERE
  • Consumer Expectations and Behaviours - HERE
  • Regulations - HERE
  • Brands Innovations in 2022/23 - HERE
  • Brands Case Studies:
    • ArtDeco - Refillable Native Beauty Brand - HERE
    • Pharma-Recharge - a refillable fountain in pharmacies in France - HERE
    • Garancia join forces with Pharma Recharge - HERE
    • L'Occitane - HERE
  • Conclusion & Key Takeaways - HERE

European definition - regulations

Please note that in the following content, we are taking information from the European Union and France as reference points or as guidance and do not have a definite legal requirement for your market.

France is the most advanced country in terms of legislation with regard to refillable beauty - for now -  it gives us a glimpse into the future of regulation or helps us where the regulations might head towards.

It’s important to note that the legislator needs to give a clear definition of what constitutes a refillable product, and what are the rules to market refillable products (should the parent/host packaging be fully recyclable or is there room for non-recyclability since the parent/host packaging shall “technically” never be recycled), what technicality or other aspect must it offer. 

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