
Opinion piece from re/sources founder, or expert and opinion leader in beauty & sustainability

Eva Lagarde
Members Public

Is your sustainable beauty strategy including diversity?

This week we’ve seen a bit more news about diversity, ageism and accessibility. I think that one can’t really be sustainable in beauty if he/she’s not thinking about diversity. We tend to develop new products in beauty with sustainability in mind with a focus on materials

Eva Lagarde
Members Public

What if you could change the beauty world now

COP26 is upon us and a lot of us are watching. Are we expectant of good outcomes? Or are we ironically turning our heads the other way? What if we didn’t need to wait any longer and if we could act now? What if we were making a u-turn

Eva Lagarde
Members Public

What if all made sense about sustainability and marketing

Sustainability is no silver bullet. Yet, you need to implement it NOW, in your brand portfolio. Where do you look for information, how do you learn? When looking at the news, to prepare this content, I feel I am more confused now than I was yesterday. Contradictions, misunderstandings, mis-interpretations, short-comings.

Eva Lagarde
Members Public

Mind the gap of green intentions and purchase behaviour

Oftentimes, our shopping behaviour doesn’t match our good intentions. And there are many factors to consider here: price, value for money, product utility, and convenience. To name a few. And for the younger generation, the “ fighter “ for the planet ones, it seems that they, “in particular, are saying they

Eva Lagarde
Members Public

La plastique c’est fantastique, or is it?

Plastic is public enemy number 1. But is it realistic to remove it from our beauty ranges and think that all will be well, and everything will work smoothly? If we can’t live without plastic, what are the best solutions out there in beauty, and how to implement “cleaner”

Eva Lagarde
Members Public

Does moving to a sustainable beauty solution require bravery?

After the month of September, we’ve just been through, I don’t know if I have any more “energy” in me to keep going. And I’m not the only one, in every industry, all of my friends report the same feeling… …. September was like a storm. With all

Eva Lagarde
Members Public

What a week

What a week, we’ve just seen at LuxePack Monaco!  It was all about sustainability and we were able to scout amazing innovations from luxury packaging suppliers. I have mixed feelings about the week just passed.  One is full of hope about the future as everybody is embracing sustainability but

Eva Lagarde
Members Public

Meeting again

At long last we are able to meet again! And everybody seems to be enjoying it. I think it’s great to gain human contact again. There is some adapting to do but it goes the same for any “new” thing right. During the summer we took a well deserved

Eva Lagarde
Members Public

Relax, don't do, when you wanna go and do it

The title sounds familiar? Have a listen… it shall help you to relax... We are going on a break for the next 4 weeks. We will still be working in the background, like little bees in their beehive, but we will stop our communications. We are very happy with what

Eva Lagarde
Members Public

Are you on a break yet? ... not sure sustainability is

Do you want to take a break from all the buzz that 2021 has brought. I thought it was going to be smoother this year, but it was really busy, and I didn’t really have time to think, let alone have some perspective. Did you find the time? re-sources.

Eva Lagarde
Members Public

Sustainability in beauty: what is your solution

When looking for sustainable solutions in beauty, I realised there was a lot of contradictory information, biased opinions, and a very diverse range of incompatible solutions. And you wouldn’t know they were incompatible until you tried them. Hence developing a content to provide clarity and cut through the noise!

Eva Lagarde
Members Public

Sustainability in beauty: how much time do you have

I bet you can’t wait to be on a summer vacation? I don’t know about you, but I feel like this year, after yet other lockdowns, it would be nice to get out and breathe. To take a step back, and gain some perspective also on the year