Formulation innovations

Eva Lagarde
Members Public

It ain't over till it's over

With restrictions increasing around packaging, especially with the latest EU Green Deal with the clear intention to " putting an end to wasteful packaging, boosting reuse and recycling", Europe is setting ambitious targets. This in addition to the already higher materials and transportation costs, and the added pressure on

Sonia Haulet
Members Public

Heading towards a revolution in cosmetic pigments?

Many cosmetic brands are dreaming of it: finding a vegan alternative to the pigments available on the beauty market. Can we imagine replacing synthetic and mineral pigments tomorrow with natural alternatives. Current natural, organic or "clean"  make-up formulas are still made with iron, chromium or zinc oxides, titanium

Eva Lagarde
Members Public

Biomimicry in packaging

A brief report on biomimicry and innovations that you can apply to your packaging designs. LEARNING OBJECTIVES * To understand the meaning of biomimicry  * To gain knowledge by studying example of biomimicry is general design  * To gain knowledge in biomimicry packaging designs with examples 01 - What is biomimicry? Biomimicry is

Eva Lagarde
Members Public

Case Study - an interview with BYBI beauty

pioneering sustainability since the inception of its beauty brand, BYBI has been pushing the boundaries of innovations with the first beauty formula to launch with Bakuchiol extract (natural retinol-like), the first beauty brand to use ShellWorks, innovation bacteria-made compostable packaging, with their Glow Currant booster. Here is a live interview