I feel, I’m losing my mind. Everything is going so fast around me, and it feels like, there is time to rest, no time to think! On the one hand the world and the economies have slowed down, as we are all still stuck at home. On the other
As lockdown is lifted in London this week, most of us here are feeling vulnerable about social interactions. And we don't know how to behave anymore. I feel like I'm an alien in any given social situation. And I'm a social animal so not
Is the value of beauty in the economic wealth it generates, or the well-being it provides? Does it have to be one or the other? What if the true value of beauty was its legacy. What impact would you like to leave on our planet? re-sources is a new tool
sustainability is a very complex issue. by making shortcuts in our marketing, thinking that it's too long to educate consumers, and that we don't have the #time and space to do so, consumers assume things... and the backlash can be much worth than the well intended
quick, quick, quick…. find a solution, make a decision and implement it….. aaarrgghh! But how to make a wise decision when you don’t have all the information you need. When it comes to plastics for instance, you may move to recycled material or components into your current packaging. But
The pressure is on when it comes to moving to “greener” options... how do you deal with it? Although the latest report of the Ellen MacArthur Foundation shows that companies are taking steps towards sustainability, there is a lot to be done, especially in the beauty industry: “ significant advances have
I was at a Malaysian restaurant this weekend with my good friend Marie. We both love southeast Asian food. It’s been such a long time since I went there - with covid and else - that I didn’t know what to pick. And when my food arrived I
I was in a shop trying to understand what people are really looking for. I sat in a corner or kept wandering around, and I just observed. Silently. Patiently. And I asked a few questions. we are all consumers. what would you say? what is your genuine reason for purchase?
When I challenged myself not to use any non-recyclable for a week, I found it hardly impossible on a daily basis to do anything – beauty routine, cooking, meeting people, traveling, and hardest of all SHOPPING. It comes as no surprise that daily food and beauty consumption create waste. Action = Impact.
I wasn’t sure whether to wish you a happy new year or not. Is it happy? Everybody was waiting for 2021 like the messiah, thinking that when 2020 was over, everything was going to be different… but in the early days of 2021 it’s already a hard lockdown
This week - 18-26 Sept - is the Global Goals Week towards the SDGs (sustainable development goals) brought online this year by the UN.To support this initiative, what if we decide NOT to use or even touch a product that is not currently recycled? Only then, we may understand