Regulations & Certifications

Eva Lagarde
Members Public

Packaging sorting info applicable to cosmetics

Here in this article, we detail the compulsory Sorting Information in France. These rules must be applied to all packaging of all products sold on French ground. This report is supported by content from CITEO. AGEC LAW MAJOR DATES (Loi Anti-Gaspillage et Economie Circulaire), the first of its kind in

Sarah Derdouri
Members Public

The French regulatory framework for green claims

Protecting consumers against greenwashing is a priority for European and French legislators. Although European authorities are working on a single framework, currently there is not yet a specific regulation for green claims in the European Union. That’s why each Member State can have its own specificities. In France, two

Claudie Guérin - Arcade Beauty
Members Public

How Science Based Targets can help set clear targets for the reduction of carbon emissions

According to a Quantis report on the future of beauty, 65% of consumers are interested in reducing their environmental footprint. This picture was taken in 2020, chances are that this figure has increased since! Environmental footprint is a very broad term though. What does it really mean, and how can

Maggie Spicer
Members Public

Everything You Need to Know About The US Green Guides

The Guides for the Use of Environmental Marketing Claims (known commonly as the “Green Guides”) is the set of guidelines established by the US Federal Trade Commission (the “FTC”) to help marketers avoid claims that are unfair or deceptive.

Olivia Santoni
Members Public

UK Environmental Claims Legislative and Regulatory Landscape

As we shift towards a circular economy and a more environmentally conscious consumer, the demand for products that have a lesser or even beneficial impact on the planet has dramatically increased. Whilst this is a change for good, some ‘green claims’ practices have led to  greenwashing and misleading claims. The

Eva Lagarde
Members Public

European Green Deal: Putting an end to wasteful packaging, boosting reuse and recycling

Today, the Commission is proposing new EU-wide rules on packaging, to tackle this constantly growing source of waste and of consumer frustration. On average, each European generates almost 180 kg of packaging waste per year. Packaging is one of the main users of virgin materials as 40% of plastics and

Eva Lagarde
Members Public

Packaging Regulations - Europe

Towards more sustainable packaging… In the current presentation we will focus on the legal aspects of packaging and recycling. We will mostly focus on the European and French market as an example of what could come in the future for packaging regulations. And also these regulations will apply to your

Eva Lagarde
Members Public

Sustainability beauty and regulations/restrictions for packaging

The noose is tightening around beauty brands, and more precise decisions must be made in terms of product development and marketing claims. In the UK, from April 2022, all plastic packaging that does not contain 30% of PCR content will be taxed £200 per tonne. The tax applies to businesses