Eva Lagarde

Eva Lagarde

Eva is a sustainable beauty expert that helps beauty brands make informed decisions, building stronger portfolios and better “sustainable” marketing claims.

Eva Lagarde
Members Public

What's next in materials innovation

The event has been running in London for 3 years. In the third edition, there is an amazing array of speakers. I'm gutted to miss this event as I won't be in London, as I wish I could meet them in real life, but you should

Eva Lagarde
Members Public

Sustainability & Brand Marketing - intro

by author, Marie Cesbron Marie Cesbron has over two decades of experience in growing, transforming and future-proofing beauty & wellness brands.  First at l’Oreal group, where she took on various leadership roles in marketing, insight/foresight and innovation, based in Paris, New York and London. Then at Walgreens Boots

Eva Lagarde
Members Public

Improving emotional well-being, developing natural alternatives and fighting gravity, are the latest trends in cosmetics ingredients.

With a strong move to natural alternatives in cosmetics that has been happening for a few years now, we are seeing interesting functional and active ingredients for cosmetics. And with the advancement of biotechnology, I suspect a wide array of fascinating research. Imagine what potential seaweed could bring in actives

Eva Lagarde
Members Public

It’s not just about the food! A review of innovations at Cosmoprof Bologna 2023.

Everyone visiting Bologna will tell you that the food is amazing, and so is the beauty exhibition. The 54th edition of Cosmoprof Worldwide Bologna welcomed over 250,000 stakeholders, coming from 153 countries, who had the chance to discover the latest news for the sector. While visiting the halls dedicated

Eva Lagarde
Members Public

Introduction & Definition of sustainable beauty claims

The world of sustainability and marketing claims are full of grey areas. What exactly is a green claim? What can you do to avoid greenwashing, how do you follow the guidelines and regulations and how can you get around setbacks? In this article you'll learn the basics of green claims:

Eva Lagarde
Members Public

Sustainable beauty packaging trends 2023. The year of renewal.

Fashion is the art of replicating old concepts with new ideas. With the seventies vibe going on right now on the runway and in design shows, it’s easy to get the point. As in fashion and design, beauty follows a pattern. These days it’s all about going back

Eva Lagarde
Members Public

It's coming

I don't know if you read what I mentioned in my last article of 2022, but I found that accessible beauty didn't make much progress last year. Brands are proving me wrong. 2023 is starting with a bang!  A few innovations have been released in the

Eva Lagarde
Members Public

Climate Change, Pollution or Resources Depletion: which one do you want to address?

There is no denying that the planet is going through a massive climate change with rising temperatures in summer and cold storms in winter… and weather will keep showing unusual activity with the El Niño phenomenon, so prepare for another hot summer after the freezing storm this winter in the

Eva Lagarde
Members Public

How to make luxury beauty products more sustainable. A case study with Meiyume

A 2022 report from BCG and Comité Colbert reveals that 65% of consumers “take into account companies' commitment to sustainable development when deciding on their purchases”. The report also identifies that  “from physical experience to digital reconciliation, the luxury industry must translate excellence into new experiences.” In other words,

Eva Lagarde
Members Public

40 years in the making. How DAVINES sustainability vision is taking shape.

We were lucky to visit the Davines headquarters in 2022, and were impressed by the true sustainable commitments of the haircare brand, and thought it was worth giving our members a bit of information as a case study, for best-in-class sustainable beauty. Davines, is the company that has the words

Eva Lagarde
Members Public

It ain't over till it's over

With restrictions increasing around packaging, especially with the latest EU Green Deal with the clear intention to " putting an end to wasteful packaging, boosting reuse and recycling", Europe is setting ambitious targets. This in addition to the already higher materials and transportation costs, and the added pressure on

Eva Lagarde
Members Public

What 2022 taught us and what 2023 will bring in beauty packaging

A year has gone by already and it’s time to think back and take on the learnings. I wrote an article in early 2022 about the trends in beauty packaging.  It’s time to look back into it and see what was true and what needs revision. The five