Eva Lagarde

Eva Lagarde

Eva is a sustainable beauty expert that helps beauty brands make informed decisions, building stronger portfolios and better “sustainable” marketing claims.

Eva Lagarde
Members Public

Do you need constraints to be creative in sustainability for beauty

The things I hear most about sustainability is that it's costly, complex, and brands will lose their competitive edge if they don’t engage in current trends. But jumping on the bandwagon can have dire consequences. What if you develop or build a solution that seems the most

Eva Lagarde
Members Public

Keeping a competitive edge in sustainability and beauty?

As a marketing professional you want to make your packaging claims clearer, upgrade your portfolio, without losing your competitive edge? You have already started and some solutions are working better than others, and you still can’t understand why a 100% PCR packaging is not achievable? Talking to a Beauty

Eva Lagarde
Members Public

what to wish for in 2022?

Happy New Year, all our best wishes for 2022.We wish you happiness, freedom and the fulfilment of long awaited dreams! We hope you didn’t make too many resolutions and avoided adding burden onto your shoulders. We’ve been through two tough years, so here’s to a better

Eva Lagarde
Members Public

The claims I won’t make in beauty and why

There are claims we can make easily because everybody understands or do they? It’s not clear what people understand or expect from your product or service. Making “green” claims is even more complex since it involves a lot of parameters. In other words, we need to understand why we

Eva Lagarde
Members Public

Need to learn what to do first to prevent climate change?

As a marketing professional you need to make decisions on matters you don’t really master yet! You’re not an environmentalist or a packaging technologist, yet, you have the final say. Why can’t you get 100% PCR materials? Why couldn’t you use refillable packaging? or isn’t

Eva Lagarde
Members Public

Better sustainable beauty marketing claims

Marketing claims are getting more pressured by new legislation every day. Formulas have a very strict array of regulations, and when it comes to packaging it seems that we are entering a dangerous territory as well. There are the claims that the public won’t hear anymore. Or that it

Eva Lagarde
Members Public

Which side are you on, when it comes to conscious consumption

Are you pro Black-Friday, meaning that we all need an extra offer (as a consumer), and extra cash into the business (as a brand)? Or are you against it as it pushes for consumption and unhealthy behaviour. It’s a hard one to pick, because it's NOT the

Eva Lagarde
Members Public

glass and the sustainable beauty quandary

Is it me or is it more and more confusing to know how to move to sustainable product development in beauty? I started to develop the course about a year ago, and I honestly think that it's getting more and more confusing for marketing professionals to make the

Eva Lagarde
Members Public

Is your sustainable beauty strategy including diversity?

This week we’ve seen a bit more news about diversity, ageism and accessibility. I think that one can’t really be sustainable in beauty if he/she’s not thinking about diversity. We tend to develop new products in beauty with sustainability in mind with a focus on materials

Eva Lagarde
Members Public

What if you could change the beauty world now

COP26 is upon us and a lot of us are watching. Are we expectant of good outcomes? Or are we ironically turning our heads the other way? What if we didn’t need to wait any longer and if we could act now? What if we were making a u-turn

Eva Lagarde
Members Public

What if all made sense about sustainability and marketing

Sustainability is no silver bullet. Yet, you need to implement it NOW, in your brand portfolio. Where do you look for information, how do you learn? When looking at the news, to prepare this content, I feel I am more confused now than I was yesterday. Contradictions, misunderstandings, mis-interpretations, short-comings.

Eva Lagarde
Members Public

Mind the gap of green intentions and purchase behaviour

Oftentimes, our shopping behaviour doesn’t match our good intentions. And there are many factors to consider here: price, value for money, product utility, and convenience. To name a few. And for the younger generation, the “ fighter “ for the planet ones, it seems that they, “in particular, are saying they