Opposites attract

Eva Lagarde

How can opposites work well together? From differences in opinion, culture, being, or doing. Why is there an attraction for the singular?

There is richness in the difference. And I think the more our perception is challenged - by the unfamiliar -, the better it is for our growth in the long run.

sunlight through clouds photography
Photo by Tom Barrett / Unsplash

What if we considered product development and sustainability in the same way? With a curiosity for the unknown.

It seems there is a current disengagement with sustainability, for a loss of meaning. What will it take to find our way back into it?

With re/sources, we bring you insights and reports to INSPIRE you on the future of sustainability in beauty, so instead of imagining it, you can build it and market it accurately! Join the movement…or book a demo.

Eva Lagarde
Founder & CEO

Master sustainable beauty! Become a MEMBER

RE-SOURCES INSIGHTS - free content

A century of innovations in cosmetic packaging and applicators - with Geka
GEKA, a global leader in high-precision beauty application solutions and part of medmix, is celebrating 100 years of excellence and innovation. Across a century of success, the company has grown from crafting brushes to becoming a pioneer in brushes, applicators, packaging solutions and beauty tools. As we look back at

RE-SOURCES REPORTS - premium members only

Latest Innovations Ingredients in Sustainable Beauty
Here is an in-depth report of the ingredients innovations that have been released over the course of 2024. We only focus on the innovations that have sustainable attributes. re/sources has identified five trends in the latest Ingredients Innovations: (This report classifies the innovations according to the current trends.) Longevity
Latest Innovative Formulations & Processes in Sustainable Beauty
Here is an in-depth report of the formulations innovations and processes that have been released over the last few months. We only focus on the formulas and processes that have sustainable attributes. FORMULATIONS ACTIVES ENCAPSULATING MICROGEL About The BIOMIM-GEL start-up is developing a technology allowing to form an aqueous microgel


Sustainable Showcase Fashion & Beauty - BtoC event

During the London Fashion Week, on February 19th and 20th, we will organise a sustainability showcase inviting Brands and Suppliers to share their experience in sustainability. The event will be addressed to the general media and consumers.

  • Get in touch by replying to this email if you want to learn more.

Hair Care Revolution - Paris 13 Mars 2025

ID BEAUTY : LA HAIR REVOLUTION - La nouvelle ère du capillaire
<p>ID Beauty propose une matinée pour mettre en perspective les évolutions du marché du capillaire qui connait une veritable REVOLUTION!</p> <p>ID Beauty, c’est du réel, du concret, de l’humain. Tout se passe sur place!</p> <p>4 tables rondes, 12 experts, 1 rapporteur et des echanges toujours dans la bonne humeur.</p> <p>1/ <strong>Les cheveux, reflets de notre société </strong>: entre image de soi et bien-être émotionnel, quel est l’impact du cheveux sur l’identité individuelle</p> <p>2/<strong> La skinificiation du haircare : </strong>avec la révolution du microbiome du cuir chevelu et la santé du cheveu, comment la routine capillaire s’enrichit et s’inspire du soin du visage, avec masques, serums, soins hydratants et traitants</p> <p>3/ <strong>Nature et science</strong> : naturalité et efficacité sont-elles opposées? Les biotechnologies apportent-elles de nouvelles réponses? Quels sont les nouveaux ingrédients des soins de demain?</p> <p>4/ <strong>Le haircare au coeur des changements</strong> : entre high-tech et traitement à domicile, ou spa hyper sophistiqué à la mode coréenne, quel est le nouveau territoire du capillaire?</p>

re/sources at MakeUp in LosAngeles - Workshop, February 12

MakeUp in LosAngeles 2025 - WORKSHOPS - Vue détaillée

Get ahead of the game of sustainable innovation - become a MEMBER

IN THE PRESS - What we’re reading!