A new tool to asses risk related to container/content interaction in cosmetics
CosmetoPack® is launching SafePAC, a new web application for risk assessment of container/content migration in cosmetics. The consortium is looking for new partners to co-fund the tests that will feed SafePAC with new data.
Intended to all players in the cosmetics industry - manufacturers of raw materials, packaging, cosmetic ingredients and formulas, packagers, laboratories, toxicologists, brands, etc., SafePAC is an international web application that combines an API, a software for predicting the physico-chemical and toxicological properties of substances, and 4 databases:
- Description and composition of packaging;
- Regulatory data on substances;
- Intrinsic properties of substances;
- Data on exposure to cosmetic products.
It takes into account the needs of both plastics manufacturers and cosmeticians.
Thanks to a protocol established and cross-referenced based on over 2,000 tests, SafePAC compares skin exposure to the substance, the cosmetic product exposure (CPE) with a toxicological reference threshold specifically calculated for the substance. Two thresholds have been created by the group: the CPML for plastics manufacturers and the CSL for cosmeticians. The report quantitatively assesses the risk of systemic toxicity to human health. Skin irritation and sensitization (allergy) are assessed qualitatively for this first step of SafePAC. Exposure to the substance must be below the human reference threshold above which effects on human health are observed. Acceptable risk is measured by the ratio CPE /CPML < 1 or CPE<CSL <1.
The Beta version of the web application (Kreatis) is currently being tested and debugged by CosmetoPack® partners. The consortium is looking for new partners to co-fund the tests that will feed SafePAC with new data. Users can rest assured that there will be a compromise between shared data and confidential data. SafePAC can store data specific to a user/organization and can even be used to create "private" groups around a project.

In 2020, CosmetoPack® launched a research program aimed at providing the entire cosmetics industry with specific, simple and cost-effective protocols for assessing the human health risks of consumer exposure to substances migrating from plastic packaging into cosmetic products. The 3 steps of A- Collecting exposure data from cosmetics and packaging materials, B- Analyzing cosmetics contamination from packaging and C- Modeling cosmetics contamination from packaging resulted in the development of SafePAC, presented at Paris Packaging Week in January 2024.
The consortium CosmetoPack® brings together 20 partners: Berry-Bramlage, Eastman, EQUITOX, Laboratoires Expanscience, KREATIS, LVMH Recherche-Parfums & Cosmétiques, LYONDELLBASELL, MS BEAUTiLAB, PURE Laboratoire, SGS (Ex METAIR), Texen, Groupe Treffert ; Groupe Rocher ; Itech, Université Lyon 1 ; Cosmed, Cosmetic Valley, Cosmetin Lyon, Polymeris, Polyvia. https://www.linkedin.com/company/cosmeto-pack/