TiL: 4 years of development around the Linden tree - uncovering nature’s wealth
When sisters & cosmetics professionals Sylvie and Odile Polette decided to explore the benefits of the Linden tree they did not expect to uncover so many actives and benefits applicable to a beautycare line. And TiL was born (TiL means Linden tree in old French) after 4 years of rich discoveries.
The linden trees are part of the family history spanning several generations, enthroned in the family home's garden in the north Dordogne, southwest of France. Bathed in the heart of a preserved park - Parc Naturel Régional Périgord Limousin -, Odile and Sylvie were familiar with the many known benefits of lindens.
" Lindens have been known and loved the world over for their innumerable virtues since time immemorial. In the Middle Ages, lindens were planted near hospitals because they cleaned the air and brought calm. By royal order, they were then planted along paths and roads and their harvest was reserved for the hospices. Its ground bark was even worn as an amulet to protect its wearer, human or animal, from disease and injury. It is also the essence from Proust’s madeleine, memorable because it was dipped in a warm cup of calming linden infusion."
"Known for centuries for its virtues for the mind and body TiL is using, for the first time, all the linden tree’s potential having scientifically proven that its concentration of molecules is also beneficial to the skin:
- It heals the body: medicinal tree par excellence, part of pharmacopoeia, it is detoxifying and calming, used in many remedies for its antispasmodic and sedative properties.
- It calms the mind: a well-known sedative for the nervous system, it calms the psyche and promotes sleep by exuding a comforting joyous aroma. For only ten days a year, the divine scent of honey and white flowers contributes to the feeling of abundance, to the point of being part of collective memory.
- It does wonders for the skin: full of calming, anti-oxidant, and hydrating ingredients it has marvellous anti-ageing properties."
Armed with years of experience in the beauty world, working in the marketing sections of international groups (l’Oréal, Shiseido) and cosmetic SMEs, Odile Polette founded, 10 years ago, her own marketing and communication consulting agency: Beauty Stories, focused on beauty brands and actors. It was only natural to look for the benefits of beauty products.

Four years of research with ingredients specialist Greentech helped isolate the molecules for detoxifying and calming effects and also a specific scent:
- Hydrating molecules with polysaccharides
- Anti-inflammatory molecules
- Anti-oxidants
- Anti-wrinkle
- Skin softener
- And more …
The brand has developed its patented ingredients and formula, a rare iteration in the beauty industry (owning Intellectual Property of your ingredients or formula).
A “seasonal” labour of love
It all starts with the two harvests a year for the buds and twigs in spring, and the leaves and flowers in summer, to extract the key ingredients. The freshness of the plants is important to ensure the safe caption of molecules and actives through Cryo extraction. That's precisely what's innovative about it, it's not just the use of flowers, but the reconstitution of the activity of the whole tree.
After developing the ingredients with specialist Greentech, founders Odile & Sylvie developed the formula with a laboratory based in Paris.
They developed a holistic range of skincare, supplements and perfume to care for the skin, the body and mind.
Composed by the master perfumer Francis Kurkdjian, the TiL perfume is a free and sentimental interpretation of the linden tree at its apogee, when its scent fills the air with its honeyed notes and bees buzz with joy in its branches! “ A joyful enchanting fragrance which evokes memories and shines with its gentle intimacy. Analyzed by neuroscientists, its impact on cognitive performance is proven.” explains the brand.
The holistic range is composed of 9 skin and body care products with soap, body cleanser and body milk, dry oil, cleansing gelly, facial moisturiser, night facial balm, and two supplements - one in spray, and one in powder -, and a perfume available in full size or travel size.