want your BEAUTY brand and business to make a positive and genuine impact on the world?
We help beauty marketers make sense of sustainability, avoid greenwashing, and outperform their competitors.
Developed by Eva Lagarde, a specialist in products & market innovations with over 15 years of experience within the luxury Beauty sphere.
We help Beauty Professionals master sustainability through relevant innovations for the market and consumers and transform their product portfolio into better options for the planet.
You feel lost about sustainability. It's all confusing. We help you make sense of the non-sense, so you can make an impact.
This platform is also a tool that helps beauty brands develop their sustainable strategy.
Eva works with a team of experts in their respective fields (formulators, packaging engineers, trends specialists, and more) to build the tailored content of re/sources.
Online educational platform dedicated to sustainability and product development in beauty. We have build the content to help BEAUTY PROFESSIONALS understand what sustainable choices they should make for their brand portfolio, deciphering the true reality and avoid greenwashing, giving them information and POWER to back up their business decisions and marketing claims.
In addition to the online platform, we can join your team for dedicated presentations on Sustainable Beauty trends, team training or consulting services walking side-by-side with your team and inspiring them for the green transformation, making the compulsory revolution a creative bliss. We make sustainability accessible, fun and forward-thinking.
We also offer ad-hoc sustainability reports tailored to your brand and its market, so you don't miss the mark and know what to develop next.
Our founder and team also offer tailored workshops for your team. So we can work alongside you to help the shift towards a genuine sustainability mindset, through insights, creativity, and activating an innovative spirit.
We are also present at most industry events delivering inspiring talks and hosting round tables to help support the sustainable movement in the beauty industry.
We also believe that sustainability should be a cross-department matter and that teams from Marketing to R&D and CSR need to be on the same page in terms of regulations, technology and innovative solutions. If you believe the same, invite your entire team involved in the product life-cyle to join you.

all about sustainability
- Innovate, get creative and answer consumers’ ‘real’ expectations
- Upgrade your entire range to sustainable sourcing, manufacturing and distribution
- Implement scalable, manufacturable solutions and keep the costs on track
- understand the 360° impact of your business to the planet, and stop the waste cycle
- Change the world and bring meaning and freedom back into your life

About the re/sources platform:
- Expert content: hand-picked seasoned professionals in packaging, formulations, regulations and marketing, from the supply side or the brands
- Global: One place, One time, One programme to learn from wherever you are in world. One common theme: sustainability
- Find Power with Knowledge: feel empowered to make informed decisions and learn why you should make specific business choices.
develop your career. - Join the community: connect to an ecosystem of like-minded professionals to learn and share experiences & join monthly live Q&A sessions with our CEO and our experts and industry VIPs.

Built for beauty professionals by beauty professionals
- Marketing directors
- NPD (new product development) managers and directors
- Product development directors
- R&D directors
- Innovations directors
- Consumer insights directors

message from our founder

I grew up in the countryside of France. In the South West, in the Dordogne more precisely. My grandparents were dairy farmers and I spent all my summers with them as a child. We were doing all sorts of farming activities including - but not restricted to - milking the cows, feeding the flock, hiding in the corn fields or napping in the hay bales. It was a glorious childhood that brought me close to the meaning of “care for the planet'“ and “hard work”.
My mum, the eldest of 7 children, almost brought us up alone (me and 3 siblings). She’s hard-working, passionate and loving and taught me the values of LOVE and CARE. If it wasn't for her, who knows where I’d be today.
I have learnt from a young age, from my grandparents and my mum, that with passion, creativity and perseverance, you can achieve pretty much anything in life!
All of this is to tell you that I’m sharing this platform to bring meaning back to our lives and our work, and to connect us with the best of the best in their fields.
I’m always about innovation. Scouting the latest trends and products over the world with sustainability in mind.
I’ve been working in the beauty industry for over 15 years. It started with Cosmoprof (the leading B2B beauty event), and continued with MakeUp in shows and then Premium Beauty News (leading B2B publication) where I was in charge of business development, marketing and events.
I’ve hosted, in the last four years, annual events about innovation in beauty packaging, make-up, skin-care and fragrance in Paris.
Now I want to make my network and knowledge available to more people, not just French prestige brands, but all Beauty Brands looking to build a more sustainable future.
This platform is called RE.SOURCES as a meaning to go back to the source of everything, giving back to the earth what she gave us, a sort of “retour aux sources” (in french).
Will you join me on this journey?
Let’s leave a great legacy in this world!
Eva Lagarde